Consideration of and action on an ordinance confirming the appointment of Dilcia Jimenez as Director of Planning & Development/City Engineer.
Section 205(C) (2) of the City Charter states the City Council, "Shall, upon recommendation of the manager, appoint the city secretary, deputy city secretary, and all other department directors." With Bill Pedersen’s retirement as Public Works Director, the Public Works department is undergoing a reorganization. Ms. Jimenez is our current City Engineer and will be taking over as Director of Planning & Development/City Engineer which will cover Planning & Development, Capital Improvements, Permits as well as Engineering. The Salary Structure ordinance was updated to include her new reclassed title and pay level. That item is on the agenda prior to this item.
The City Manager has offered this position to Ms. Jimenez, and she has accepted it. This appointment is now being submitted for Council confirmation.
Fiscal/Budgetary Impact:
Recommended action
Confirm the appointment of Dilcia Jimenez as Director of Planning & Development/City Engineer.