Consideration of and action on amendment number (9) to the agreement with the Deer Park FCPEMSD for Personnel, Vehicles, Facilities, Equipment, Investments, and Grant Administration.
In May of 2011, the citizens of Deer Park voted to create the Deer Park Fire Control, Prevention and Emergency Medical Services District. In November of 2011, the City Council and the FCPEMSD Board of Directors entered into an agreement for Personnel, Vehicles, Facilities and Equipment. The FCPEMSD has no staff and rather than duplicate services, the City and FCPEMSD entered into this agreement, whereby, the City performs administrative services for the district such as purchasing and hiring and supervising employees. The original agreement was for the 2011-2012 fiscal year but contained a provision allowing the parties to amend the agreement. The agreement was amended four times as follows: in 2012 for FY 2012-2013, in 2013 for FY 2013-2014, in 2014 for FY 2014-2015, in 2015 for FY 2015-2016.
In May of 2016, the citizens of Deer Park voted to continue the FCPEMSD for a period of ten (10) years. In October 2016, a new agreement between the City and the FCPEMSD was approved rather than continuing to amend the original agreement each year. Subsequently, amendments to the agreement have been approved as follows:
? In October 2017, the first amendment to the agreement was approved to cover FY 2017-2018.
? In October of 2018, a second amendment to the agreement was approved to cover the 2018-2019 fiscal year.
? In April 2019, a third amendment a third amendment to the agreement was approved to add grant administration, either through City personnel or on a contract for services basis administered by the City.
? In October of 2019, a fourth amendment to the agreement was approved to cover the 2019-2020 fiscal year.
? In October of 2020, a fifth amendment to the agreement was approved to cover the 2020-2021 fiscal year.
? In October of 2021, a sixth amendment ...
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