Consideration of and action on approval to purchase of a new vactor truck for the Water/Sewer Maintenance Division via Buy Board Contract # 686-22.
Our existing vactor truck (Unit #606) is a 2009 model with 30,000 miles on it. The unit is used almost daily by our Water/Sewer Maintenance Division. With 15-years of daily use, the unit is routinely breaking down and having major mechanical issues. We were approved $575,000 in this fiscal year’s budget to replace the unit.
Kinloch Equipment is a Buy Board company (contract #686-22) and has provided us a quote of $550,440 to purchase a replacement vactor truck.
Fiscal/Budgetary Impact:
Funds are budgeted in the Water/Sewer Maintenance Divisions’ account #400-501-49070.
Recommended action
Approve the purchase of a new vactor truck for the Water/Sewer Maintenance Division via Buy Board Contract # 686-22.