Discuss the process/timeline for renewal of the Crime Control Prevention District and the Fire Control, Prevention, and Emergency Medical Services District.
Attached is the updated brochure for the joint election with both the Fire & Crime departments updated information. Also provided is a quote for printing the brochures from Richmond Printing and an estimate for postage is rounded up to $3,000.
This meeting will need to finalize the election term, brochure, etc. On January 21, 2025 at the Council workshop, there will be a presentation given to Council on the status of the Fire & Crime elections for 2025.
The Deer Park Crime Control Prevention District (CCPD) and the Deer Park Fire Control, Prevention, and Emergency Medical Services District (FCPEMSD) were approved by the voters in Deer Park on May 11, 2011. Pursuant to their respective statutes, each district will dissolve five years after the date the municipality began to impose taxes for district purposes if the district has not held a continuation referendum (see the attached letters from the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts).
In 2016, both boards called a referendum election to extend the districts for an additional 10 years and approved a joint election agreement with the City of Deer Park to hold the election. The 10 years is up in 2026 but it is being requested that we hold the election in 2025. One of the reasons to hold in 2025 vs 2026 is, if the election fails in 2025, the districts can still hold another election in 2026 (which is one year later).
Each district board may call and hold a referendum election on the question of whether to continue the district. The board may order a referendum election on its own motion by a majority of its members. The board shall order a referendum election: (1) on receipt of a petition that requests continuation of the district and complies with certain statutory requirements; or (2) if the majority of the governing body of th...
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