BID 25-003
| 1 | 1. | | Bids | Consideration of and action on awarding bid for the 2024-2025 Sidewalk Improvement Project. | | |
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MIN 25-021
| 1 | 2. | | Minutes | Approval of workshop meeting minutes for February 18, 2025. | | |
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MIN 25-022
| 1 | 3. | | Minutes | Approval of regular meeting minutes for February 18, 2025. | | |
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Not available
TAXR 25-009
| 1 | 4. | | Tax Refund | Approval of tax refund to R. T. Willis in the amount of $1,396.11 due to an overpayment. | | |
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Not available
TAXR 25-010
| 1 | 5. | | Tax Refund | Approval of tax refund to R. T. Willis in the amount of $1,098.94 due to an overpayment. | | |
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TAXR 25-011
| 1 | 6. | | Tax Refund | Approval of tax refund to Dovenmuehle Mortgage in the amount of $504.41 due to an overpayment. | | |
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RPT 25-012
| 1 | 7. | | Report | Acceptance of the Quarterly Investment Report for the quarter ended December 31, 2024. | | |
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ACT 25-013
| 1 | 8. | | Acceptance | Acceptance of the Quarterly Financial Report for the Fiscal Year 2024-2025 First Quarter Ended December 31, 2024. | | |
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AGR 25-002
| 1 | 9. | | Agreement | Consideration of and action on renewing the Clinical Affiliation Agreement with College of the Mainland for student education purposes. | | |
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AGR 25-008
| 1 | 10. | | Agreement | Consideration of and action on an agreement with Comex Corporation for Construction Manager-at-Risk services in connection with the construction of the New Municipal Court Building. | | |
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RES 25-043
| 1 | 11. | | Resolution | Consideration of and action on a resolution to authorize the submission of a Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) Planning Grant application to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) committing to provide the required cost share if awarded. | | |
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RES 25-038
| 1 | 12. | | Resolution | Consideration of and action on a resolution suspending the April 19, 2025, effective date of CenterPoint Energy Resources Corp requested rate change for the maximum suspension time allowed. | | |
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ORD 25-034
| 1 | 13. | | Ordinance | Consideration of and action on an ordinance authorizing the issuance of the City of Deer Park, Texas, Certificates of Obligation, Series 2025; levying a tax and providing for the security and payment thereof; providing for the award and sale of said bonds; and enacting other provisions relating thereto. | | |
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ORD 25-033
| 1 | 14. | | Ordinance | Consideration of and action on acceptance of Certificate of Unopposed Candidates and consider ordinance declaring Unopposed Candidates in the May 3, 2025 General City Election be Elected to Office; and Cancelling the General Election; and allowing for continuation of election items pertaining to running an election be retained for the Special Election for Fire & Crime districts being held on May 3, 2025. | | |
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PUR 25-015
| 1 | 15. | | Purchase | Consideration of and action on the purchase of fence replacement at East Meadows Park from Foster Fence via Buy Board contract # 757-24. | | |
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Not available
PUR 25-017
| 1 | 16. | | Purchase | Consideration of and action on purchasing traffic signal detection cameras for three intersections via HGAC contract # PE-05-21. | | |
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Not available
PUR 25-018
| 1 | 17. | | Purchase | Consideration of and action on purchasing the services from Fuquay Inc. to repair ten sanitary sewer manholes via Buyboard contract # 731-24. | | |
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Not available